Tuesday, August 18, 2009

how to hack a orkut account

This post explains u how to hack in to the any gmail account by using the fake page method and also some advance tips on sending the fake page

Google uses a 4 Level Orkut login which makes it difficult to hack Orkut using brute force attack.

Go to the Orkut login page by typing the following URL.


Once the orkut login page is loaded, Save the page as Complete HTML file. (Not as .mht file)
To save the page goto File->Save As

Then save the page as orkut hacking.html

Tip: .mht option is available onlyin IE 7. So if you you are using some other browser you need not worry.

Once you save the log in page completely, you will see a HTML file and a folder with the name .if u click the html file then the page opens just like the orkut page but loads from your hard disk check the url

Make sure that the folder contains the necessary images and other support files.Now rename the Folder to files.You may also rename the .HTML file to orkut.HTML

Now open the .HTML file using a WordPad.Change the links of all the files present in the folder to /files.

For example you may find something like this in the opened HTML file


Rename the above link into


Repeat the same procedure for every file contained in the folder by name files.

Tip: To search for the links, press Ctrl+F in the opened WordPad and search for .gif. Repeat the Step 5 for every .gif file.

or u can leave the image link as it is but the problem comes when they make changes to their source code then u have to update the code once again

Now search for the following term


you will see something like this


Edit this to


Tip: Open a free account in 110mb.com to create your own site for uploading the Fake Login Page. yoursite.com has to be substituted by the name of your site.For example if your site name is orkut2011.110mb.com then replace yoursite.com with orkut2011.110mb.com.

Save the changes to the file.

NOTE: You can write your own code for login.php or search for login.php (Login script) on Google.

Now you have to upload your orkut.HTML, files folder and login.php to

yoursite.com Root folder

NOTE: Make sure that your host supports PHP

Tip: 110mb.com supports PHP

bUT 110mb.com detects these fake pages very easly and removes them in 2-3 hrs so better choose some other free hosting sites all most all the free hosting sites support php

Configure the login.php file to save the entered password onto a .TXT file and redirect the user to original login page (mail.yahoo.com)

Tip: login.php can save the password in any format (not necessarily .TXT format).You can search a php script in Google that can save the password in any format.You may also search a php script that can email the username & password

NOTE: The concept here is to save the password.The format is not important here.

Distribute the gmail.HTML URL (ie: yoursite.com/orkut.HTML) to your friends.When they login from this fake login page, the login.php will save the username and password onto the .TXT file (or any other format)in your site. Download the file to see the hacked password inside it.

if u want to download the pre-made working orkut fake page then go to here:

click here


if this method dint work then try out hack Email with keylogger

u can also use some of the advance tools and trick the victim and also to stay anonymous try sending the fake using these two technique
how to send a forged email
how to send a anonymous email

The easy way to hack in to the orkut account is through keyloggers

check this post i have covered all the topics about key loggers and using them to hack Facebook accounts

Hacking with Keyloggers :Topics covered

1. What is a keylogger?

2. Where to get the key logger programs and download links

3. How to install a keylogger

4.what to do when you don’t have the physical access

5. What to do target OR victom refuses to run the file?

6.Which is the best spying or keylogger soft
2. how to hack orkut using the Trojan

This is same as the keyloggers if u want more control over the victom then u can use trojans (Rats) these are remote administrator tools which give the complete control over the victim system

check this post : how to use the trojans to hack orkut

i covered full topics on using the trojans

1. What is a trojan?

2. Where to get the trojan programs and download links

3. How to install a trojan

4.what to do when you don’t have the physical access

5. What to do target OR victim refuses to run the file?

6.Which is the best trojans or rat software

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